Lies to Truth: What this Single Mom Believes
Growing up in my home was relatively easy. My Christian parents did the best they could do to parent my brother and me. I was a handful; my brother was easily teachable.
I always had a wild streak. From biting my brother's back for no apparent reason when I was young, to decisions I'd make later on in life, I was a force to be reckoned with.
My marriage was a force all its own. It started with a bang and ended with one, as well. Fireworks filled those days. From mental abuse to harsh words being uttered, to people walking away, it was doomed from the start. The one "silver lining" that came from that union was my son. He has been and will always be the one "bright spot" that happened in that relationship.
That's the Cliffs Notes of my life, but there's a few more details that need to be penned.
You see, I'm a Child of God.
Every situation that I have had from childhood to adulthood can fall into 2 categories:
1. God's Will
2. Allowed by God
God has allowed quite a few things into my life that I, in my flesh, would buck and say "that's just wrong". My marriage, for example.
Why would a loving God allow such an awful time in my life? I have a few answers for that.
1. To teach me lessons that I otherwise wouldn't have learned
2. To give me a precious gift - my son
3. To give me experience and wisdom for the future, and to help others that might be going through the same type of situation
I have a friend that I know through my church. I'll call her Sandy. Sandy went through her own hard time. Mistakes made, a failed marriage, a handful of kids to raise alone. God became a real, intimate part of her life (and a Husband to her like His Word says in Isaiah 54:5) and has given her a story to help others...including me!
She supplied God-ordained wisdom that she could pass on to me as I started down the path that she had already walked - the path of Single Motherhood. If she had not already walked that path, she couldn't have given me the life-giving wisdom that I REALLY needed when my divorce was being finalized.
I thank God for her!!
There are situations in life that people would like to say they hadn't experienced, but sometimes those situations are exactly what is NEEDED to be a Light and a Wisdom Giver to others. What I WANT in life might not necessarily be what I NEED in life.
I recently started a business. Some people would say that there are "holes" in the bottom of my business' "boat". Others would say that it's a smart business decision. What other people believe really doesn't matter. It's not THEIR business to maintain or make successful; it's mine.
I know without a shadow of a doubt that God brought that business into my life. I could recount many "Only God" moments that show His hand was (and is) in every way a part of the reason why I am running this specific business. One of those situations I will share.
My Mom recently has had health issues. I am her caregiver.
My Dad has also had some health issues and the situation I found myself in was a little overwhelming, caring for the both of them.
I juggle many plates.
Single Mom. Homeschool mom. Cook. Clean. Caregiver to Mom. Caregiver to Dad. Business owner. Grocery shopper (until recently, when we signed up for Delivery...which is AWESOME!), and many more....
It was getting too much and I had to lay aside SOMETHING.
Even though I didn't WANT to, the most obvious choice was to lay aside my business. I was coming up on a year since I had started it, so I made the decision that I would stop. I just couldn't juggle that one anymore. I was going to let that "plate" fall.
I told my friend who had introduced me to the business that I was going to take a step back; I had to devote more time to my other responsibilities. She was gracious, understanding, and gave me some words of wisdom and encouragement.
I stopped advertising. I would help my current clients, but not try to gain new ones. I hung up my business "hat".
God, on the other hand, basically said "Ok, this is what you think you need to do. I'm going to handle it from here." and proceeded to show me HIS power in the situation. He started to send me new people, old friends, total strangers. He opened the flood gates! I wasn't even working my business and He was showing me that WITH HIM, all things are possible! (Matthew 19:26b)
I was saying "Life's too hectic. I cannot manage all of this. It's too much!"
God was saying "My yoke is easy and my burden is light. With Me, you can do all things because I'll give you the strength to accomplish them!"
What are YOU believing today?
Are you believing that you're not cut out for what is presently happening in your life?
If it's a dangerous situation, God will always provide a way of escape or to overcome the situation.
If it's a situation that is stretching you, God will give you the strength and wisdom to make the appropriate decisions.
I'm thankful that my God will supply the power to believe the Truth that He gives instead of believing the lies that I tell myself.
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