
Showing posts from March, 2023

Lies to Truth: What this Single Mom Believes

  Growing up in my home was relatively easy. My Christian parents did the best they could do to parent my brother and me. I was a handful; my brother was easily teachable.  I always had a wild streak. From biting my brother's back for no apparent reason when I was young, to decisions I'd make later on in life, I was a force to be reckoned with. My marriage was a force all its own. It started with a bang and ended with one, as well. Fireworks filled those days. From mental abuse to harsh words being uttered, to people walking away, it was doomed from the start. The one "silver lining" that came from that union was my son. He has been and will always be the one "bright spot" that happened in that relationship. ---------- That's the Cliffs Notes of my life, but there's a few more details that need to be penned. You see, I'm a Child of God.  Every situation that I have had from childhood to adulthood can fall into 2 categories:  1. God's Will 2. ...