An Open Letter to Godly Men from a Single Mom

Life for a single mom can look many different ways. "One size fits all" definitely does not apply to her life. There are a million different "plates" that she might have to "spin" day-in and day-out.

But something that I think every Christian single mom would agree upon is this: she wants her child(ren) to grow up to be Godly men or women.

In my specific case, I have a son. One and only. So I am going to focus the rest of this post on the fact that I have only one child (and that I am a woman raising said son, not a single father raising his child).

When a woman is doing her best to raise her child for God, there are some things, no matter how hard she tries or how badly she wants to, that she cannot do.

Right now there is a battle going on in the World. Women and Men are not distinctly separated and the lines between femininity and masculinity are being blurred. God, however, has made them his or her own person, each with their own character traits and instincts. A surgery, medications, etc cannot change what God has created.

I want to raise my son with character, integrity, loyalty, boldness, strength, and so much more. Things that will benefit him in his walk with Christ. Things that will guide him.

Here's the messy part. The part that people seem to shy away from.

The single mom might want to instill some masculine qualities into her son.... but she doesn't hold said qualities and cannot portray them to her son.
She wants someone in her son's life that he can see these qualities on display.


                                     does she go about acquiring what she's seeking?

Go up to a man at church and say "Hey, would you like to spend time with my son and show him how to be a Godly man?"
Not so much. That would be an awkward situation for both parties involved.

Or even worse....
Put a blanket statement out there...{insert blogpost share}....and the man that might not have the same qualities that you want to instill into your son come up to you and say "Hey, I will spend time with him!"

What is a single mom to do when she wants a positive role model in her son's life but CANNOT ASK OR PORTRAY THE NEED?

Where are the men of God that will do the difficult thing, the time-consuming thing, to help those that cannot help themselves?
Does the Bible not say in James 1:27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."?

God has plainly said that the fatherless (ie: child(ren) from a one-parent home that might not have a dad in their life) need to be cared for. God wasn't aiming this Scripture at the mom (or dad); they are already filling the need.

He's aiming the call at you. Will you answer?


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