Even in the valley God is good

I haven't posted in a while because I have been going through a valley and haven't had much to say....at least anything *positive* or *uplifting*. Sometimes, life takes different directions...the mountaintops are far between, and the valley seems to never end. That's where I've been.
I'm not sure if I'm even out of the valley yet, but I need to write to say a few things that I've kept bottled up inside. It's not good for me to do that, because it can get so depressing and lonely when I keep things to myself. So here goes....

What do I want to tell the world? 
- I want to say that I am very flawed. I let my circumstances, my flaws, situations, control my attitude. 
- I also let my flaws overwhelm me. I see SO MANY things that need fixing in myself, and there's no way under Heaven that I can fix them.

My son and I were listening to the radio on our way home from church Sunday night, and it reminded me of something that I should be teaching my son, so I turned the radio off and said to my son that his worth was not measured on what he could or could not do, but rather Who lived inside of him....Jesus Christ. I said to my son "This lesson took me far too long to learn."
But did it? Do I really understand MY worth? Am I teaching my son something that I'm not following myself? 

Why is it SO hard to understand our worth as women? Have we been so hardened by the world's definition of our worth...or lack thereof? Does it deal with surrendering ourselves to Someone else?

Surrender.... Such a difficult, yet simple, word. 
Pride....such a simple word, yet incredibly difficult to overcome. 

Can't surrender to Someone else the place where Pride resides. 

And so, the battle begins. 
Dying to myself. 
Surrendering to Him....


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