I'm "Outa" Here!!
I was reading in Revelation this morning, chapter 21 specifically, and what God has to say through His Word about the new heaven and new earth that will be created after the Rapture and Tribulation and the judgment time that comes for all those that have rejected Christ.
In verses 15-21 is the description of the "new Jerusalem" and wow, does it sound amazing. 12 layers of precious jewels make up the foundation! Gold as clear as glass for the streets. But the greatest of all that will be in Heaven is my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and God the Father! I can't wait to meet Them!!
I was sought out by God and saved by His amazing grace on Halloween night, October 31, 1995. The night that I asked Jesus to come into my heart and save me was the same night that God wrote my name in the Lamb's Book of Life and prepared a mansion for me in Heaven. The same night, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in my heart so that I could be guided by Him and know how to live my life for His glory and honour.
I am so happy to be called a child of the King and a follower of Jesus Christ!!!
I want everybody that is reading this to know that when the Rapture happens and Jesus returns for His people, or when God takes me off this earth in the form of death, to be absent in body is to be present with MY LORD!!! Don't cry for me, because the Perfect Family (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and Home that I inherited on October 31, 1995 will be a reality! I will be with my Saviour, the One who died for my sins upon that old rugged cross, I will be in His presence, worshiping Him, praising Him, and hopefully hearing the words "Well done, good and faithful servant!" I want to hear those words badly, so I am living my life to bring Honour and Glory to my Heavenly Father.
There may be some of you reading this post that don't have this assurance of eternal life. Some of you might believe that your works get you to Heaven, or baptism gets you to Heaven, etc. It's not true. Ephesians 2:8-9 says "For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast." If works got anyone to Heaven, then why did Jesus have to die? HE paid the penalty for our sin as only a perfect sacrifice could! Our sin is too big for any person to forgive; it had to be the very Son of God that could pay it for us.
Why He died for a sinner such as I? I will never understand this side of Heaven. But I know that He did it for me, and I want to praise Him and thank Him with my life to try to show back the same love that He showed to me!
He died for you, my friend. He was nailed to the cross for YOU. Your sin (as well as mine) put Him there. He was not forced to die. He is God and could have released Himself from the bondage of the cross by just speaking a word.....but He didn't.
He bore the pain and the shame of hanging naked on that cross.
He endured the beatings that tore skin off his body.
He endured the crown of sharp, long thorns being jabbed down INTO His skull.
He wore the weight of all of our sin which He took upon Himself while He was hanging on the cross.
He Did That For YOU!
What LOVE!!!
Give your life and heart to Him today. He did all that for you, and so much more! Wouldn't you like to show Him how thankful you are?
If you would like to do that, if you would like Jesus to become your Saviour, if you would like to go to Heaven instead of Hell, all you have to do is pray and ASK. Ask with all sincerity. Bow your head and cry out to God. Tell Him that you realize you are a sinner; that you've sinned and have no way to get rid of your sin. Tell Him that you believe that He died on the cross for your sins. Ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse your heart and make you a child of His. Thank Him for His sacrifice for you.
That's all you have to do to become a child of God's. It doesn't take any works on your part, it took all of His works on your behalf. Only a spotless lamb could do and Jesus is The Spotless Lamb!
Friends, I would love to hear from you and would also love to know if any of you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour. I'd like to encourage you and pray with you. Please send me feedback!
Love in Christ and Peace to ALL!!
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