Is Being Sad a Sin?
As of late, I have been very discontent with my life and where I'm at in it. More times than not, it has led me down a "poor, pitiful me" road. I've tried to get past it, but anything done in my own flesh is a failure, to say the least.
Circumstances, failures, situations in my life have left me.... well.... sad.
Is Being Sad A Sin?
As I sit here thinking, I still don't have the concrete answer to this question, but I do know it is if it distracts from your walk with Christ. And to be quite honest with you, my sadness and self-inflicted pity party has done just that.
So, this blog post is meant to be a "fire-starter-under-rear-portions" for myself and to any of you that have found yourself in the "Pity Party Doldrums".
You might have been abandoned. Cheated on. Abused. Mistreated. Hurt. You might have committed a sin that you don't think God can forgive...or maybe you can't forgive yourself?
Christ's blood that was shed on the cross is enough to cover whatever is causing the sadness.
(Repeat 3 times to self...then 3 more times)
Circumstances do not define me (or you). REMEMBER THAT!
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
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