Is Being Sad a Sin?
As of late, I have been very discontent with my life and where I'm at in it. More times than not, it has led me down a "poor, pitiful me" road. I've tried to get past it, but anything done in my own flesh is a failure, to say the least. Circumstances, failures, situations in my life have left me.... well.... sad. Is Being Sad A Sin? As I sit here thinking, I still don't have the concrete answer to this question, but I do know it is if it distracts from your walk with Christ. And to be quite honest with you, my sadness and self-inflicted pity party has done just that. So, this blog post is meant to be a "fire-starter-under-rear-portions" for myself and to any of you that have found yourself in the "Pity Party Doldrums". You might have been abandoned. Cheated on. Abused. Mistreated. Hurt. You might have committe...