I'm a sinner
I'm a sinner. I'm selfish, I'm rude, I think I'm better than other people (when I'm worse). I have so many faults that haunt me and that I'm trying to get rid of. I'm blessed, though. I have God in my heart and He has taken away the penalty for and has forgiven me of those sins. Pastor was preaching on "Living water for a thirsty soul" tonight at church. The text he used was John 4:5-42 Jesus was going places, preaching His Word, and He went to Samaria. Samaria was a wicked place. They were a "mixed" group of people- worshiping pagan gods and not the One True God. Jesus stopped there and sat down at the town's well. Along came a woman to draw water. This wasn't any ordinary woman. This woman was a sinner. She had been married to 5 different men and the man that she was living with at the time was not her husband. Jesus knew all of this, even before she walked up. Jesus asked her for a drink because he was tired from his jo...